Provide a weekly volunteer tutor and mentor for an underserved child or youth (one term)
One of the biggest barriers to education for children and youth in Hamilton is the availability of homework help. There are many children and youth who deal with extra challenges and who don't have access to private tutoring. Our student volunteers meet individually with a child or youth once or twice a week, providing mentoring, encouragement, and homework assistance.
The commitment, enthusiasm, and support of Student Open Circles volunteers working with children in the Learning And Fun program is unparalleled. Many of our participants are facing significant personal challenges and our volunteers are stepping up to the challenge with real care and concern for our kids. It's a joy and a blessing to get to see these relationships blossom into real growth for our children. (Gladys Flores, Child & Youth Programs Coordinator, Welcome Inn Community Centre)
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Note: eCards do not include a message from Student Open Circles or the gift you have chosen (what you enter in Your Message is the only content that will be sent)